Liberation nace de un déficit de oxígeno personal, de la necesidad de frenar, pensar, sentir y respirar. Cerrar los ojos y abrirlos fuera del paquete en el que te ha embutido la sociedad. Desmantelar la vorágine de imposiciones depositadas por la humanidad, redimirte de lo que te cohíbe o coarta y volver a encontrar aquello en lo que realmente crees y quieres.Liberation es lo contrario a opresión, sumisión, costumbrismo o conformismo. Liberation es vida, fuerza, renovación y supervivencia. Consciencia. Aquí y ahora todo ser humano puede encontrar su propio camino. El camino de la autorrealizacion.
Resurgir y dejar de luchar contra la vida para comenzar a vivir.
The idea of Liberation was born from a lack of personal oxygen, and the need to slow down, think, feel and breathe. Close your eyes and open them outside of the packaging that society has enveloped you into. Break down the hustle and bustle of the norms deposited by humanity, redeem yourself from the things that inhibit or restrict you and find what you really believe and want again. Liberation is the opposite of oppression, submission, adhering to customs and conformity. Liberation is life, strength, renovation and survival. Consciousness. Here and now all human beings can find their own path. The pathway to self realization.
Reappear and stop fighting against life in order to begin to live.
Translation by Helen Scott